How to Know If You Have Trauma? 7 Signs to Recognize Your Situation

Posted on July 16th, 2023

Every individual is unique, with personal life experiences shaping their attitudes, behavior, and outlook on life. Some of these experiences might be adverse, resulting in psychological trauma. But how do you know if you have trauma? The ability to recognize the signs can empower you to seek help and initiate the healing process.

Unveiling the Psychological Trauma Definition

Psychological trauma often arises from an event that may have threatened your safety or made you feel helpless. It could be a one-time occurrence or a long-term exposure to extreme stress or abuse. Recognizing trauma and understanding its impact on your life is the first step towards recovery.

But what is the psychological trauma definition? In the simplest terms, psychological trauma is the damage to a person's mind resulting from one or more distressing events, causing overwhelming amounts of stress that exceed the individual's ability to cope.

Symptoms of Trauma - Identifying the Invisible Wounds

The symptoms of trauma can be subtle or glaringly apparent, depending on various factors including the individual's resilience, the type of trauma experienced, and their support system. Here are seven signs of emotional trauma in adults that can help you ascertain if you are dealing with unhealed trauma:

1. Intrusive Thoughts

You might find yourself frequently recalling the traumatic event, disrupting your daily activities and mental peace. These are not your regular flashbacks; they are intrusive, unwanted, and often accompanied by physical symptoms like heart palpitations or shortness of breath.

2. Avoidance Behavior

A common symptom of emotional trauma is avoiding situations, places, or people that remind you of the traumatic event. This avoidance behavior can range from subtle changes in daily routines to drastic measures like isolating yourself.

3. Negative Changes in Beliefs and Feelings

You might notice a significant shift in your belief system or the way you perceive the world, others, or even yourself. This could be an excessive sense of guilt, shame, or feeling detached from your emotions.

4. Hyperarousal

Hyperarousal or being in a constant state of alertness is a telltale sign of trauma. You may be easily startled, feeling restless, or have trouble concentrating or sleeping.

5. Changes in Physical Health

Physical symptoms such as unexplained aches and pains, chronic fatigue, changes in appetite, or other health issues can be manifestations of psychological trauma.

6. Regression in Behavior

In adults, a clear sign of emotional trauma can be behavioral regression. This can include thumb sucking, bedwetting, or fear of darkness.

7. Emotional Outbursts

If you notice sudden emotional outbursts, an imbalance in emotions, or inability to control your reactions, you might be dealing with unresolved trauma.

Beyond the Signs of Trauma - When to Seek Help?

If you relate to any of these signs, it's crucial not to dismiss them. Remember, recognizing the symptoms of trauma is a sign of strength, not weakness. If these symptoms persist, interfere with your life, or cause distress, it's time to seek help.

How to Know If You Have Trauma - The Power of Assessment

The Personal Assessment Questionnaire offered by Common Sense Transformational Lifestyle Coaching can be a vital tool in understanding your needs and wants, helping you decode the signs of trauma and guiding you on your path to recovery. It is tailor-made to address your unique situation and help you gain a clearer understanding of your mental health.

The Journey of Healing - How Common Sense TLC Can Help

Our weekly group coaching sessions and 1 on 1 sessions can be incredibly beneficial for trauma survivors. In the group sessions, you'll be part of a safe, empathetic environment, discussing empowering topics with fellow participants. The 1 on 1 sessions are personalized to cater to your individual needs and progress. Additionally, we provide two follow-up progress calls per month to ensure you're not alone in this journey.

Wrapping It Up

Recognizing that you have trauma is a crucial step towards healing and reclaiming your life. If you're experiencing any symptoms of emotional trauma or need guidance, remember, you're not alone. Common Sense Transformational Lifestyle Coaching is here to help. Reach out to us at 14703871951 or [email protected]. Together, we can navigate through these challenges and foster a path towards a healthier, happier you.

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